Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Mathcast 2nd Anniversary!

This week marks the 2nd anniversary of our first "official" student-created math video.  "Bob" decided she wanted to make a proportion video, and so it all started.  Up to that point, I had begun making little tutorials as "the teacher".  In early 2006, I had discovered Camtasia Studio (screen recording software).  After "Bob" made her first video, other students wanted to make them too.  It was then that I realized the power of what Daniel Foster of TechSmith would latter call, "kids teaching kids".

The first videos were posted as links onto  Within a year after our first video, I created the video site, Mathtrain.TV, to host our student content.  Today, students continue to come by to make mathcasts.  It has come to the point where I need another tablet pc to meet the after school student-demand.  Anyway, Happy 2nd Anniversary!

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