Thursday, July 31, 2008

Administration Defect

My school and school district have funny ways of dealing with implementing technology and technological support. But I'm not laughing and neither should the taxpayers. It pains me to see how much money and resources our school and district has wasted.

Although we have great tech coordinators and district-level tech people, our school continues to lack in providing support and follow-up with recipients of new technology. This is not the tech coordinator's fault. It is an Administration defect where I am starting to think they are happier bragging about how much tech they have plugged into our classrooms, as opposed to how effective it has been. And I almost never hear anyone mention the students.

In fairness, maybe they are trying their best, but just a bit clueless. If so, there needs to be a wake up call for the Administration to drop their tech-decision powers and let the tech department lead the way with implementing technology properly.

Oh and it's not just for the teachers... the students deserve better.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


I am too excited to even write. My students, "Bob" and "Billy Billy" were amazing co-presenters.
We have an interview with Harvard Ed Magazine in a few days. I'll update and reflect more later. What a great conference.

Sunday, July 13, 2008


Not handmade, but fingermade with my iPhone.

Download to NetSketch on my iPod

[via iphone]

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Free Camtasia Studio from EdTechCrew

Hey Educators,
The guys at Episode 52 are giving away 2 free licenses of Camtasia Studio. I was a guest on that episode, Interviews form the floor at NECC08, w/Dave (TechSmith) and Darren Murphy and this is for real. We like free. Free is good. More info at the podcast site

Friday, July 11, 2008

Iphone Apps

I got the 2.0 upgrade to my first-gen iPhone today. I added the free Jott app, (because Jott rules), the VoiceNotes. I purchased Sketches, which is neat and "Band".

But, unfortunately the "Moo-Cow Band" crashes. I'll need that fixed or a refund. Too bad, I was looking forward to that one.
UPDATE: July 12, 2008 it works. Maybe I needed to tune my instruments?

Thursday, July 3, 2008

New Google Talk for the iPhone

Very, very cool! Google just released a version of "Google Talk" for the iPhone!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008